Manage Stress with Clayfield Mindfulness Workshop at St Mark’s Church

Photo Credit: CCO Public Domain / Stock Snap / Pixabay

Mindfulness Works Australia will run a 4-week introductory course on “mindfulness” techniques. The sessions will begin on the 9th of November and will be held until the 30th of November at St Mark’s Clayfield Church Hall.

Credit: Mindfulness Works Australia/Facebook

On Stress and Mindfulness

Psychology Today defines “mindfulness” as:

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a state of active, open attention on the present. Instead of letting your life pass you by, mindfulness means living in the moment and awakening to your current experience, rather than dwelling on the past or anticipating the future.

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A study into stress and wellbeing conducted by the Australian Psychological Society in 2014 has found that almost two in five Australians are experiencing some symptoms of depression, with 13 percent of them battling depression symptoms in the severe to extremely severe range. The study further revealed that more than one quarter of Australians are experiencing some anxiety symptoms, with 13 percent of them battling severe to extremely severe levels of anxiety.

Credit: CCO Public Domain / David QR / Pixabay

Both anxiety and depression are results of unmanaged stress. In the same study from the Australian Psychological Society, it was found that financial concerns have been the largest contributor to stress among Australians. Of the 48 percent who participated in the study, 58 percent said that pressure to afford basic food has caused them undue stress. Stress can also be the result of family problems, health issues and conflicts in the workplace, according to Health Direct.

Learning About Mindfulness

Mindfulness Works Australia takes pride in being one of the country’s largest mindfulness training organisations. An estimated 600 people are said to be completing the Mindfulness Works introductory course not just in Australia but in New Zealand as well.

Credit: Mindfulness Australia Facebook Page

The 4-week introductory course on mindfulness which will be held in Clayfield includes:

  • a 45-page guidebook
  • 12-month subscription to the premium Wildflowers Mindfulness app
  • weekly emails with extra articles and instructions
  • downloadable guided mindfulness meditations for the participants to keep

People who have engaged in mindfulness exercises regularly have attested to the following benefits:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Feel more joy
  • Increase feelings of well-being
  • Increase self-acceptance
  • Improve sleeping patterns and the immune system.
  • Increase self-acceptance and self-love

For more information on how to attend the Mindfulness Works introductory course in Clayfield, please click here.

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