Clayfield Villagio Shopping Centre Revitalisation Proposed

Clayfield Villagio Shopping Centre Revitalisation Proposed

Clayfield Villagio Shopping Centre could be set for a major revitalisation and expansion if a recently lodged development application, which will see the development of a new signature building, gets the green light.

The proposal seeks to extend the existing centre activities by establishing a new 1,659sqm signature building including a rooftop deck area. Designed by Feather and Lawry Design, the plans will require the demolition of the existing building to facilitate the construction of the proposed new building at 830-832 Sandgate Road and 139 Junction Road, Clayfield which will offer a range of tenancy arrangements.

Proposed site ( Clayfield Villagio Shopping Centre)
Proposed site ( Clayfield Villagio Shopping Centre) | Photo Credit: Brisbane City Council /

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Site plan
Site plan | Photo Credit: Brisbane City Council /

“The proposal to extend and upgrade the existing centre will revitalise the centre to facilitate increased use and capacity to service local residents’ needs. The existing centre will be rejuvenated in terms of appearance and available range and variety of tenancy space to encourage increased social and economic activity to the site.”

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Planning Initiatives

Junction Road view
Junction Road view | Photo Credit: Brisbane City Council /
Sandgate Road view
Sandgate Road view | Photo Credit: Brisbane City Council /
Artist impression of proposed Clayfield Villagio Shopping Centre Revitalisation
Photo Credit: Brisbane City Council /

Moreover, the existing three-storey building fronting Junction Road will undergo a renovation with “new design and fenestration elements” whilst the five dwellings located on the upper level will be retained. Improvements to the existing building will include gable ends to the roofline, increased glazing and planters as well as new design elements achieved through the  “repetition of the brick arch features of the new building.”

The new three-storey signature building will have a total of 1,659sqm of floor space over two levels including a roof deck that can be accessed via a circular staircase surrounding the lift well. The car parking at the basement level will extend across the subject site, thereby, integrating it with the existing building’s car parking.

The application also proposes pedestrian access between the basement, street front and the first level through the inclusion of a ramp, stairs and travelator next to the Junction Road frontage. The new building will also include an atrium-style central arcade that will be connected to the existing building and accessible through a pedestrian walkway across the car parking area.

Also, including the 50 additional car spaces, there will be a total of 93 car spaces, comprising 13 spaces (including 2 PWD spaces) at the ground level and 80 spaces (including 5 secured spaces for residents) in the basement.

Upon completion of the proposed development, the site’s total GFA will increase to 2,659sqm from 1,699sqm and will comprise 588sqm of existing residential GFA and 2,071sqm of commercial floor area.

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